The “ecosystem theory of harm” was a major focus of the CMA’s investigation of Microsoft/Activision, which has just been approved with revised undertakings. The EC recently blocked Bookings/eTraveli on “ecosystem” grounds. And beyond mergers, new antitrust complaints (Amazon) have a strong “ecosystem” flavour. How does one articulate such a theory, and what should be the standard of proof? What economic work do we need to make it more durable?
A discussion chaired by Professor Ioannis Lianos (President, Hellenic Competition Authority, and UCL Laws), with
The Hon. Mr Justice Marcus Smith (President, Competition Appeals Tribunal)
Cristina Caffarra (UCL and CEPR RPN Associate Fellow)
Daniel Beard KC (Monckton Chambers)
Mike Walker (Chief Economist, CMA)
Joost Rietveld (UCL School of Management)
Marco Ramondino (DG Competition)
Jenine Hulsmann (Weil)
Christos Malamataris (Latham & Watkins)
Michael Jacobides (London Business School)
17:30 Registration and networking reception
18:00 Event begins
19:45 Event ends